Friday, September 26, 2008

ahh...peace and quiet, if only for a moment

Ok, I don't know what forces of nature were at work yesterday afternoon, but I finished up working, and came out to find this....All 3 kids asleep at the same time in daylight! Whoo hoo! Unfortunately I had to get ready to go out for the evening (not that going out was unfortunate, that was good) so I couldn't take a nap too. Kylie had a short and early nap so she needed another one, Trevor has been sick so it wasn't surprising he fell asleep, and Logan, well I think all-day kindergarten is wearing him out (better start getting him to bed earlier).

The peace and quiet was nice, especially since Kylie has been quite the mess-maker this week. Her favorite game is to take off her diaper which usually results in pee somewhere (floor, couch, etc.). But she has also taken a liking to dumping out every toy container in the family room, practically emptying a new box of Kleenex, and undoing multiple rolls of toilet paper. I can see she is getting closer to 2, it is only just beginning. Good thing she is so cute!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Ya gotta love kids

So I'm getting ready for church this afternoon, and Pete had just come home from work for lunch when I hear him yelling at Logan. I came out to discover that Logan and Kylie had been writing and drawing on the kitchen floor with markers (washable thank goodness). At 5 years old you would think Logan would know better, but he did it anyway and then let Kylie do it too. We made them clean it up and then it was time to leave for church. I'm just happy they didn't have any marker (or at least nothing too noticeable) on their church clothes. Ya gotta love em!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

My first blog

Well I may be late to the party, but I'm ready to finally join the blogging world. I figured as a scrapbooker I need to have an easy way to document the happenings in our family, so when I get around to scrapbooking them I'll have a one-stop resource to find some good journaling tidbits.

I just have to say how much I love Fall - it isn't officially Fall yet, but around here it has felt like it for the last 2 weeks. I love the warm (but not hot) days and cool nights, the kids back in school and all of us back into a routine, and one of my favorite things of all - FOOTBALL! This year I'm playing Fantasy Football for the first time with my brothers, sister-in-law, and her brothers. I'm having a blast so far, even though I lost last week. But I'm smarter now, and I predict a win this week. And I'm lovin' cheering on the Utes (ranked #22) as usual.

The boys are in the middle of their soccer season, another great thing about Fall. Trevor is doing well, he is one of the youngest on his team, but can hold his own and his team is really good. Logan is playing for the first time, and like many his age has moments on the field when he spaces out - picking up leaves, sticks, or grass or pulling his jersey up over his head, etc. Then he has times where he will run around with the pack. He is having fun, and that is what matters.

Kylie is keeping us entertained and on our toes, like a 20 month old should. One of her favorite tricks this past week has been to take off her pjs and diaper when left in her crib too long. She asks to take walks in the "lo-lo" (stroller) daily. And monkey milk (our strawberry syrup bottle has a monkey on it) is the only way she'll drink milk.

Pete has been busy working on his garage/shop. His dad is here this weekend helping put the shingles on. It may actually get finished before winter - hooray!