Since the boys didn't have school on Friday, we took them to see the touring "Walking With Dinosaurs" show. Trevor thought it was awesome. Logan who hasn't been feeling well off and on the past few days, fell asleep during intermission and slept through the rest of the show. It was pretty cool, though it probably would have been better with seats in the lower bowl. And I feel it was a bit overpriced.

Along a similar reptilian and scaley note, we returned home last night to find that Genesis (our snake) had shed her skin. Which I will admit was pretty cool to see.
I'm looking forward to the holiday tomorrow since I'm off work and I usually try to set aside some time on such days to get some scrapbooking done. I have been neglecting it for some time, pretty much ever since Kylie was born 2 years ago. But I have a new table and storage unit from IKEA and I just reorganized my supplies, so I now have the itch to spend some time there using all the supplies I've collected over the years (which is more than I'll probably ever use). 
Oh, to have a clean place to work. I have devoted my life to my upstairs bathroom and closet so my craft room looks like a bomb went off. Have fun!! Wish I was there with you scrapbooking.
I love the title of this post. Such a funny conglomeration of topics. You're a good mom to let a snake live in your house, but I'm sure he's a low maintainace pet at least.
Your scrapbook space looks awesome. It makes me want to go do some scrapbooking, but alas, my to-do list is way long today.
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