Saturday, October 25, 2008

Twilight, stucco, dentist, and musical beds

I feel I've neglected my blog lately even though it has only been a few weeks. I blame it on my sister - she had been hounding me to read Twilight (the book everyone and their dog has read and loved), so I finally borrowed her book and started reading. Let's just say I haven't done much else since. It is awesome (but all of you who have read it already know that)! I've hardly touched my computer (except for work of course) -- I almost forgot to adjust my fantasy football lineup this week, my email inbox is overflowing, and none of the files from our old computer are getting moved over to our new computer.
I was hoping to be able to post pictures of the new stucco on our house by now but it isn't done yet. I've threatened it better be done before Halloween or else - since right now our pumpkins are sitting in the middle of our front yard, and it might pose a risk to have trick-or-treaters trying to get around/under the scaffolding to get to our door.
We all spent the day on Thursday in Bountiful. I had my usual once a month staff meeting when I go into the office to work. Logan and Trevor had dentist appointments to get cavities filled - Logan's first time, he did beautifully but he was in a lot of pain afterwards poor thing. We got in the night before as we typically do since there's no way I'm getting up at 4:30 in the morning to drive in the same day. It was a little chaotic at my parents' house - my brother Chuck and his wife and 2 boys are living in my parents' basement for a few weeks while they wait for their house to be finished so they can move in. We usually sleep in the basement when we are there so it meant an adjustment in the sleeping arrangements. Pete and I took my sister Ally's bed, she slept on the living room couch, the boys slept on the couches in the family room as they usually do, and Kylie slept in the bed in the playroom upstairs. Kylie did not do well, the different room and the freedom of a bed instead of a crib meant she was crying or wandering most of the night. I thought I finally had her to sleep around 11:45 pm but I later found out that soon after that she pitter-pattered downstairs and my mom was up with her until 3 am (thanks mom). Both my mom & I were up with her screaming at 4:45 am, at which point I just laid down with her and we both slept. She then woke up for the day at 6:30 am - I have no idea what she was running on with so little sleep, though she did take a good long nap that afternoon.
The kids sure have fun at Grandma's house especially with their cousins, and it is nice to be able to spend more time with everyone now that they aren't so busy with the farm.


Jill said...

It sounds like buisness as usual at the Bangerters. Lot's of people, lots going on, people up late. I guess some things never change.

I read "Twilight" too and had an experience something like yours. Nothing got done. I haven't read the last one in the series for this reason. I've got too much to do.

Hope to see your house all done in the next post or two.

Kamerin Tangaro said...

I was wondering around Emily's blog and found yours. So, my two cents....I read the first three books in two weeks. That meant, go to work, come home and read. I did little else but sometimes I think we all need a little change? Anyways, your house is coming along and it will be very nice. We are jealous.
So, the next time you happen to be over in my neighborhood and see laundry coming out the windows you will know I have found a good book! Ha Ha